Attrition seems to be a common challenge faced by most of our clients. We are experimenting to see if we can recover hidden patterns of attrition from data other than Employee Performance / Employee Demographics. We are pondering over several questions – What is the impact of group dynamics on Employee Attrition? Could Break patterns throw some light on attrition? Can we measure Employee Happiness and relate it to attrition?
Text Analytics
Qualitative Analysis of Text data – Support Tickets, Customer Feedback, Reviews, Employee Communications, etc. is often a daunting task done mostly manually and often selectively. We are working on making this better. How can we use advances in Text Analytics to increase business efficiency in handling these tasks? What is hidden behind the actual text?
Facial Recognition
Facial Recognition is done and dusted now. However, we are curious about other application areas for Facial Recognition and Emotion Detection. Can we leverage these for Recruitment? Can we use these to measure Customer Engagement? Can a retail store come out with a customer happiness metric?
Employee Success Profiling
Recruiting the right talent that will sync with and organization and its management style is a challenge. Can we create a success profile for every applicant that will predict how well the employee will fit into an organization?
Well these are some active experiments we are working on. Should you think one of these will help your business, feel free to get in touch with us.